Welcome to the homepage of the research group on scattering amplitudes and collider physics!
The group performs research in theoretical particle physics, with a special emphasis on tools for precise predictions for collider experiments. The activities of the group range from the study of mathemtical properties of quantum field theories and scattering amplitudes all the way to developing automated tools for the simulation of collider experiments.
The group currently involves members from CERN (CH) and the Center of Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) of the "Université de Louvain" (B).
The research is funded in part by the European Research Council through the ERC Starting Grant "MathAm".
We investigate in detail the relationship between scattering amplitudes, number theory and algebraic geometry, with the final aim of developing novel computational techniques for scattering amplitudes that are beyond reach of conventional state-of-the-art technology.
Multi-Regge kinematics and the moduli space of Riemann spheres with marked points , JHEP 1608 (2016) 152, [arXiv:1606.08807]
Three-loop corrections to the soft anomalous dimension in multileg scattering , JHEP 1608 (2016) 152, [arXiv:1507.00047]
Higher order corrections to key processes at the LHC (Higgs,...) are computed to higher orders in perturbation theory. The goal is to provide precision predictions for collider observables.
High precision determination of the gluon fusion Higgs boson cross-section at the LHC , JHEP 1605 (2016) 058, [arXiv:1602.00695]
Higgs Boson Gluon-Fusion Production in QCD at Three Loops , Phys.Rev.Lett. 114 (2015) 212001, [arXiv:1503.06056]
We develop FeynRules, a Mathematica-based pacake to compute Feynman rules from a Lagrangian in an automated way. The Feynman rules can be exported to a large variety to matrix element generators. The package can be downloaded here.
Computing decay rates for new physics theories with FeynRules and MadGraph 5 _aMC@NLO , Comput.Phys.Commun. 197 (2015) 312-323, [arXiv:1402.1178]
FeynRules 2.0 - A complete toolbox for tree-level phenomenology , Comput.Phys.Commun. 185 (2014) 2250-2300, [arXiv:1310.1921]
Brenda is the newest postdoc of our team and will be based at CERN.
CH - 1211 Genève 23
Chemin du Cyclotron 2
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Phone numbers:
CERN: +41 22 76 72447
CP3: +32 10 47 8185